Saturday, January 30, 2010

Josette is a 15 year old who has multiple fractures of her pelvis.  She laid by a dusty road since the earthquake.  We have stopped by frequently treating a wound on her back and getting her the nourishment she has desperately needed.  Now she lies in a Red Cross Hospital which recently set up almost right across the road from us.  She is not a candidate for surgery, but she will have a long painful recovery.

Dr. Rick Lapp converses with two doctors from the Red Cross Hospital.  We had taken three patients there this evening who need surgery but we were turned away for lack of beds.  Perhaps tomorrow they will call saying they can take the patients.

The operating room suite the Red Cross Hospital has set up in one of their tents!  It is fully equipped and has air-conditioning!

Dr. Rick Lapp and two Red Cross Hospital doctors outside the OR tent.

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